Act II, Episode Five, Part I ~ Declaring A State Of National INsecurity!!!

Soundtrack For This Piece, “My Country” – Nahko and Medicine For The People

Act II, Discovering The Wetikó ~ Episode Five

Part I ~ Declaring A State Of National INsecurity!!!

The Magic Building Theory

9/11, The Kennedy Assassinations And Impossible Physics…Oh MY!!!

How to Create a National Insecurity State. - Fabius Maximus website

FEAR = False Evidence/Emotions Appearing Real

Ladies and gentlemen…the very wordsecrecyis repugnant in a free and open society.
John F. Kennedy, April 27, 1961 (1 Jaguar)
~40 years later…

September 11, 2001 (6 Crocodile) ~ 9/11

I am publishing this piece at this exact moment, 2:20pm PST, to call attention to and honor the exact moment20 years ago today…at 5:20PM EST…when the 47-story World Trade Center (WTC) Building 7 (Also NAMEd, “The Solomon Brothers Building“) was DESTROYED…collapsing STRAIGHT DOWN to the ground in less than 7 seconds on live television…approximately 7 hours AFTER the destruction of The Twin Towers.  (Below is a Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) with Building 7 collapsing at near-free-fall-speed on the left side, while…for comparison…other known professional, explosively-controlled, building demolitions are displayed collapsing in near-free-fall on the right.)

The VAST majority of Americans are…still to this day…COMPLETELY UNAWARE that a third WTC building dropped to the ground in downtown Manhattan on 9/11…even though many of us watched it happen live on TV that day!  This fact, alone, reveals The Wetikó’s undeniable influence over American culture.

“Never forget!!!”?!?!

The Wetikó EXCELS at inducing forgetfulness.

Just Go to Sleep - Album by Evil 101 | Spotify

With the benefit of hindsight…

…”Always remember!!!“, was probably the way to go!

9-11/WTC7 - Wikispooks

Far FAR fewer know…or remember…that approximately 20 minutes before Building 7 was brought down, at ~5PM EST, the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) reported the building’s collapse…in PAST tense!

Yes indeed!  As you can see in this image (below), Building 7 is still standing in the background as Jane Stanley…apparently unfamiliar with the New York City skyline…is in the process of reporting that “lucky number” 7 HAD already collapsed…PAST TENSE!

The Truth Seeker's Guide: 9/11 - Part 5: "WTC 7"

Similarly…but even MORE fascinating to me…check out this clip from FOX news (below)!  The reporters announce that the building has ALREADY (PAST TENSE) collapsed…and then a few moments later…it drops to the ground AS they are discussing the PAST TENSE collapse!!!

Mind Blown - WTF- Jackie Chan - quickmeme

Needless to say, their candid comments…after the building ACTUALLY fell…are about as close to the capital “TTruth as we can expect to get, regarding what happened that day.

Lowercase Lies & Capital T Truth #EverydayJesus - 7 Days Time

Notice (below) how…as a result of falling STRAIGHT DOWN into its own footprint…the dying Building 7 did NOT significantly damage the adjacent buildings…which is a SIGNATURE objective/characteristic when buildings are purposely…and professionally…brought down using explosives.

9/11 conspiracy theories: How they've evolved - BBC News

There were MANY eye-witness reports of multiple explosions…both from those who were still INSIDE Building 7hours before it was brought down (as Barry Jennings explains in the video below)…BEFORE either of The Twin Towers fell…

…and from outside of the building…hours, minutes and even seconds before Building 7 was destroyed.  You can even hear an explosion in this CNN news footage (below)…and notice how the construction worker reacts to the explosion, looking back and commenting for the camera “Did you hear that?” and “keep your eye on that building, it’ll be coming down.”  The footage also includes a police officer waving people back while saying, “The building is about to BLOW UP, move it back.“!!!  So not only were there explosions…but people KNEW the building was being brought down…BEFORE it came down!

There is a particularly revealing eye-witness account from Kevin McPadden (below), a former Air Force Medic, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and 9/11 first responder, who witnessed a Red Cross representative (Why the F would the Red Cross be involved in a building demolition?!?!?) moving away from the building and…as the representative’s hand uncovers the speaker from his radio…Kevin heard the last few seconds of a countdown (3, 2, 1…), then he heard and felt several large explosions a few seconds before the building was BROUGHT DOWN …or “pulled”…as they say in the Controlled Demolitions industry!

Even the owner of ALL THREE buildings that were destroyed on 9/11, Larry Silverstein, explained in an interview (below)…after that fate-filled day…that the decision was made…ON 9/11…to bring Building 7 down…to “pull it,” as he said in his own words!

Incidentally, Silverstein’s admission HAD to be a lie, because it takes WEEKS to prepare a building for demolition.  One cannot just “pop in there” and quickly throw up some explosives last minute!  The process of wiring a building for destruction is highly complex…and only a few companies in the world can even “do” a job such as this!

oh no omg GIF by Looney Tunes

And…OF COURSE…there are independent, peer-reviewed, scientific studies that provide conclusive evidence of explosive residues found in the dust from the collapse, containing an abundance of the SIGNATURE, iron-rich, micro-spheres one finds when Thermite incendiaries are used.

I mean COME ON…they even found partially reacted Thermite pieces in the dust samples!

Nano-thermite - Urgent: Scientists Discover Explosives in 9/11 WTC Dust Used in Controlled ...

It is downright silly how clear the evidence is for the use of explosives on 9/11SILLY!

Here is just ONE example, if you prefer to review an ACTUAL study:


My Brain Hurts Postcard | Zazzle

Ok…FIIIIIIIIIIINE…so WTC Building 7 was OBVIOUSLY brought down using explosives.  The evidence provided thus far makes that…well…OBVIOUS!

Soooooo whaaaaaat?!?!  Why does this point matter?

20 Mind Blowing Life Quotes That are So Honest So True - Life 'N' Lesson

I’m glad “you” asked! 😉

The thing is…the “official” story from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)…

…is that NORMAL…OFFICE…FIRES, which were ignited by falling debris from the WTC 1 collapse, later led to the collapse of Building 7!

Parenting WTF #2: Baby Probiotics - DigitalDad - Medium

From the first line of NIST‘s Building 7 report:

“This report describes how the fires that followed the impact of debris from the collapse of WTC 1 (the north tower) led to the collapse of WTC 7…”

Picard WTF 2 Blank Template - Imgflip

Here is a link to their…”report”…if, for some reason, you find this fact hard to believe:

Urgent: Scientists Discover Nano-Thermitic Explosives in 9/11 WTC Dust Used in Controlled ...



Ok…but surely…SURELY!!!…NIST investigated if explosives were used…right?!?  Versus JUST…OFFICE…FIRES…ALONE bringing down the building…I mean…given the orgy of evidence indicating that explosives were SHIRLEY used…RIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT?!?!?

I AM serious…and don’t call me Shirley!


NIST decided, at the outset of their “investigation”…without having yet looked at ANY evidence one way or the other…that explosives were NOT used to bring the building down!

Therefore, they DID NOT even look for evidence that would support such a hypothesis!

Age Old Questions; Investigating Cellular Autophagy and Ageing: First day on the job! Come at me ...

Just to be clear here…NIST conducted ZERO investigative inquiries to determine if explosives were used on 9/11!.

And that is true for all three WTC buildings, by the way!

Image tagged in memes,lol,lynch1979 - Imgflip

As you may remember from Act I, Episode II, Part I, which discusses the PROPER procedure when following The Scientific Method

Scientific Method Cartoon

one does NOT determine the results of an investigation/experiment at the beginning of said investigation/experiment!!!

Steps of the Scientific Method

Making THAT choice is basically THE OPPOSITE of how The Scientific Method works!

…annnnnnd another GIF…for comparison’s sake…regarding how NIST‘s gaff continues to make me feel…even today!

mind blown gif on Tumblr

CONFUSION is a SIGNATURE objective/characteristic of The Wetikó’s influence.

Some of The Wetikó’s PRIMARY methods include the use of misdirection, obfuscation and deception, to move us into an unstable and disresonant state of consciousness…aka a confused state…because it makes us MUCH easier to control through fear.

Using Fear as Fuel - SOFLETE

Fear of the unknownfear of that horribly all-too-familiar feeling of instability that bubbles up within us when we are assaulted with disresonant energy…and, of course, the fear of death.

The Wetikó knows!

God is not the author of confusion. | Spiritual quotes, Inspirational quotes, Faith quotes

And, thus, stumbling about in a confused stupor…WE become INsecure.

Insecurity: Pastors, Church Leaders, and Churches | Ronnie Floyd

When we are INsecure…we doubt ourselves…we are unsure of what to think or feel about what it is that we are experiencing…

Like the video says…“Its easy to miss something you’re not looking for.”  Especially when it defies the laws of physics!!!


The Magic Building Theory!!!

You can’t argue with physics, mate.

Guy Martin

The Magic Building Theory is what I decided to NAME! the “official” story regarding Building 7‘s demise.


At the same time, the NAME! is calling attention to and CALLING OUT The Magic “House of Cards” Building that is the Wetikó-ized National INsecurity State…of The United States…under which we live today.

'National Security' Invoked by Navy to Wage Electronic ...

For…as a result of our collective National INsecurity…we meow regularly accept the IMPOSSIBLE as “normal,” in essentially all areas of our “Magic Building2020s reality!

And…yes…The Magic Building Theory NAME! is surfing upon the wave of IMPOSSIBLE that is The Magic Bullet Theory from President Kennedy’s assassination…and YES…we will discuss that topic, along with his brother’s assassination, shortly! JFK-9/11: 50 Years of Deep State eBook : Guyénot, Laurent ...

In fact, the parallels between the machinations surrounding the Kennedy murders and 9/11 are numerous and fascinating!  Such are the ways of The Wetikó!

JFK to 9/11 - Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick (Full Movie Digitally Enhanced w/Soundtrack ...

But for meow…let’s dive just a LITTLE deeper down the Building 7 rabbit hole…to really clarify just how Magical this Building was…according to the “official” narrative!

Facts That Are INDISPUTABLE…According To The Laws Of Physics:

  1. Fire alone cannot collapse a steel-framed building!
  2. Fire cannot cause a straight-down, symmetrical, building collapse into its own footprint…through the path of greatest resistance! (Meaning the undamaged portion of the building below.)
  3. A building cannot collapse at, or near, free-fall speed without first removing the underlying structure! (Meaning the undamaged portion of the building below.)

1. Fire alone cannot collapse a steel-framed building.

What Really Happened to "World Trade Center Building 7" on September 11, 2001? | Wake Up World

In all the years before…and the 20 years since…9/11, there has NEVER been a steel-framed skyscraper that has collapsed as a result of fire alone.

In fact, it is actually impossible…IMPOSSIBLE!!!!…for a steel building to collapse due to a fire…unless that fire happens to reach temperatures beyond 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit…which has NEVER happened in the history of steel-framed high rise building fires!  NOT…EVEN…CLOSE, My Friend!

FYIThermite incendiaries burn as hot as 4,500 degrees Fahrenheit!

911: Melted Steel & Concrete from WTC6: 911: NIST ignores obvious evidence of melted steel at WTC

Fire alone cannot collapse a steel-framed building, because structural steel does not begin to melt until ~2,500 degrees…or more.

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

As the image above describes…when burned, jet fuel can reach ~1,800 degrees and…incidentally…normal office furnishings, like those found in all three of the destroyed WTC buildings on 9/11, can reach ONLY ~1,000 degrees…at MOST!

Thus, a minimum of ~700900 degrees Fahrenheit are simply MISSING from the “official” story, in order to properly explain the copious evidence and eye-witness reports of melted and molten steel found during the cleanup of all three collapsed buildings.

Molten Steel and 9/11: The existence and implications of molten steel in "the pile"., page 33


Mind Blown Emoji - what it means and how to use it

2.  Fire cannot cause a straight-down, symmetrical, building collapse…through the path of greatest resistance! (Meaning the undamaged portion of the building below.)

EVERYONE knows that the blocks fall OVER in Jenga…

experience GIF

…not STRAIGHT DOWN through the path of GREATEST resistance!

demolition GIF

The path of greatest resistance being ALL of the blocks below the point from where the tower begins to fall OVER!  Truly, no one needs to understand anything about Physics, as a field of Science, to KNOW this Fundamental Truth about how our reality ACTUALLY WORKS!

Fire in Motion (18 pics) -

As EVERYONE also knows…fire follows a natural, organic process which moves in a relatively slow, methodical, and predictable way…taking ~20 minutes to burn through one area of a building before moving on to the next source of fuel it can find.

Animation Burn GIF by RedefineTheObvious

This means that…in a building fire…IF the fire is going to cause the building to eventually collapse…say a building made of wood, for example…the fire is going to collapse the building A-symmetrically…via the path of LEAST resistance…meaning the collapse of one burned out/non-resistive area at a time…while the undamaged areas of the building (Which represent the areas of GREATEST resistance) remain standing.

Like this!

Apartment where floor collapsed wasn't registered as rental | Local News |

To say it plainly…buildings that collapse due to fire…well…those buildings fall OVER…not STRAIGHT DOWN!

Like this!

It is IMPOSSIBLE for a building to fall straight down, all-at-once and symmetrically, as a result of fire!

Mind Blown GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

3.  A building cannot collapse at, or near, free-fall speed without first removing the underlying structure! (Meaning the undamaged portion of the building below.)


P02 - Introduction to Free Fall | Physics - Quizizz

As I learned growing up…while watching Wile E. Coyote making the same mistakes over and over again in the Roadrunner cartoons…

Wile.E Coyote Falling From Cliff

…when there is no longer ground supporting you…

Rawq City: Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner

…you free fall…with consideration for the effect of air resistance, of course…until you find some ground to land upon!

If there is literally ANYTHING (Besides air) in-between you and that next piece of ground upon which you are set to land…say…a MASSIVE, steel-framed, UNDAMAGED structure…for example…then it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to drop at the rate of free fall acceleration…ya know…because the MASSIVE, steel-framed, UNDAMAGED structure would be in your way!

As you can see from the ACTUAL SCIENCE displayed below…when plotted on a graph, Building 7…and both of the collapsing Twin Towers by the way…follows a pattern of free fall acceleration as it crumbles to the ground!

Free Fall and Building 7 on 9/11Free Fall and Building 7 on 9/11

Thus, it is IMPOSSIBLE that Building 7‘s structure remained intact as it fell.  The only POSSIBLE explanation for the rate at which this building fell, is that all of the supportive, load-bearing, structure was removed…using those explosives we discussed earlier…essentially all at the same time…or timed to be removed VERY closely together, which then allowed the building to crash STRAIGHT DOWN to the ground…ALL AT ONCE…essentially in free fall.

ANNNNNND that is what this independent study from The University of Alaska – Fairbanks, led by J. Leroy Hulsey, found…that it is IMPOSSIBLE for fires to have brought the building down…and that the ONLY way the building could fall the way that it did, was from a “global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.”

Modeling Demonstrates How World Trade Center 7 Came Down On 9-11 | KUAC

The Egg - WARNING! This Story will BLOW YOUR MIND to a Whole New Level!

There are MANY other threads one could pull upon, in an effort to unravel the tapestry of lies surrounding Building 7 and 9/11, in general.

The Tapestry Of Truth #7 | Here Lies France | AoE2 HD Comedy Let's Play - YouTube

However, one more thing that is IMPOSSIBLE about the “official” fairy tale for this Magic Building, is that IF a building is going to collapse due to fire…REGARDLESS of the materials from which it is made…it is CERTAINLY NOT going to do so according to a prearranged countdown!  Thank you, Kevin McPadden!

The Impossible Quiz 4 by RejahCityWonders on DeviantArt

Considering the demonstrable fore-knowledge of this Magic Building’s demise, discussed at the beginning of this piece, and the numerous MAJOR flaws with the physics of the “official” story, it is clear why many…if not most…9/11 researchers consider Building 7‘s “official” LIE to be the “smoking gun” evidence of just how IMPOSSIBLE the “official” narrative is regarding that “day of days” in American HIStory.

Before we move on to discuss the IMPOSSIBLE Physics of both John AND Robert F. Kennedy’s murders…and how these topics relate to, and fuel, our National INsecurity State, let us touch upon just ONE of SEVERAL other IMPOSSIBLE aspects of 9/11‘s cover up.

IMPOSSIBLE Airplanes!!!

When an airplane travels at speeds beyond those recommended by the manufacturer…well…REALLY bad things happen to that airplane!

Aeroelastic Flutter: an unstable, self-excited structural oscillation at a definite frequency where energy is extracted from the airstream by the motion of the structure.

As you can see in this video (below), the phenomenon known as “flutter,” has the potential to quickly destroy an airplane that moves even slightly beyond it’s designed structural and/or speed limits.

According to the “official” story, United Airlines (UA) flight 175…a Boeing 767 that is alleged to have hit the South Tower at 9:03am…was traveling at ~510 knots (590 mph)…near sea-level…when it slammed into WTC 2 that morning.

United Airlines Flight 175. | Remembering september 11th, 911 never forget, Never forget quotes

The chart below may seem “technical,” at first, but critically important here are the three red lines, displaying how FAR BEYOND design specifications UA175 was “operating,” related to three important flight measures: Va, Vmo, and Vd.

An UNMODIFIED Boeing 767 cannot fly @ 510 knots @ Sea Level. (hoax), page 19

  • Va = “Design maneuvering speed. The highest safe airspeed for abrupt control deflection or for operation in turbulence or severe gusts.”  Flight 175 was moving at ~220 knots beyond this design limit!!!  This means that it was IMPOSSIBLE to fly the airplane in a controlled manner!

  • Vmo = “Indicated airspeed measured in knots and is mainly a structural limitation that is the effective speed limit at lower altitudes.”  Flight 175 was moving at ~150 knots beyond this design limit!!!  This means that it was essentially IMPOSSIBLE for the structure of the airplane to remain intact at such a low altitude!

  • Vd = “Design diving speed. The aircraft is designed to be capable of diving to this speed (in very smooth air) and be free of flutter, control reversal or buffeting. Control surfaces have a natural vibration frequency where they begin to “flutter” like a flag in a stiff breeze. If flutter begins, it can become catastrophic in a matter of seconds. It can worsen until the aircraft is destroyed, even if airspeed is reduced as soon as flutter begins.”  Flight 175 was moving at ~90 knots beyond this design limit!!!  This means that it was IMPOSSIBLE for the airplane to fly without experiencing a level of flutter that would have quickly destroyed the plane in mid-flight…miles away from WTC 2!

    For reference:

Just to REALLY clarify this last IMPOSSIBLEVd-bullet-point”…notice that Egypt Air (EA) flight 990…a Boeing 767 that crashed into The Atlantic Ocean on 10/31/1999…is displayed on the chart above as well…for Vd comparison to UA175 specifically…chosen because it is one of the only other known 767 crashes where the airplane exceeded Vd…ya know…because ALL pilots understand to stay FAR away from that “speed limit”…so exceeding it doesn’t happen very often!

Share your Egypt Air 2016 disappearance theories here |

EA990 was known to be traveling ONLY 5 knots beyond Vd425 knots…when it crashed.  According to the “official” story, UA175 was traveling ~90 knots beyond Vd that morning…at ~510 knots…before slamming, flutter-free, into WTC 2…as it proceeded through an, apparently controlled, IMPOSSIBLY challenging diving/banking maneuver…220 knots beyond the speed (Va) at which it remains possible to maneuver the airplane in a controlled way…at THAT altitude anyway!

Mind Blowing - NorthmanTrader

MANY professional military and commercial airline pilots…some of which who have logged thousands of hours in the Boeing 767…have come forward, since 9/11, to form the organization “Pilots For 9/11 Truth,” to specifically challenge the IMPOSSIBLE Physics surrounding the maneuvers of ALL four allegedly hijacked airplanes from that day’s “official” narrative.

This documentary (below)…made by, and for, Super Nerds specifically!…is ONLY one of several they have produced over the years, in an attempt to shed light on these egregious…physics-defying…lies that weave together and throughout the meow 20year-old “House of Cards” narrative of 9/11!

November 22, 1963 (4 Reed) ~ The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

Oooooook…meow for the IMPOSSIBLE Physics of The Magic Bullet Theory!!!

Magic Bullet Dessert Bullet - Magic Bullet Mini - NutriBullet


The two areas of IMPOSSIBLE upon which I prefer to focus for Oswald’s “famed” second shot, relate to (1) a specific area along the path that the bullet traveled while in-between Kennedy and Connally and (2) the OBVIOUS lack of impact deformation to the bullet…as a result of collisions with the skin, muscles, bones, and other body tissues that constitute the 7 wounds this ONE bullet allegedly caused between Kennedy and Texas Governor Connolly, according to The Warren Commission Report…which like The 9/11 Commission Report…was created after the event, to legitimize the “official” story.

The everlasting nightmare on Elm Street - ROest

But first…please peruse this quick recap (below) of the famously fantastic, HIStory-altering, antics of The Magic Bullet!  Brought you by Oliver Stone!

The bullet supposedly entered Kennedy’s back at a downward angle of 17 degrees…which follows from the “official” narrative, since Oswald allegedly shot at him from above and behind…and yet its trajectory dramatically changed inside JFK’s body and, thus, the bullet exited through his throat at an upward angle of 11 degrees…

That first change of direction is VERY strange and unusual…FOR SURE…but not theoretically impossible, as bullets can do VERY strange and unusual things once they’ve made contact with literally ANYTHING!


What happened next is just…plain…IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Skeptic » Reading Room » Conspiracy Theorists, and the Harm They Do

As Mr. Costner so eloquently portrayed in the video clip above, after exiting Kennedy’s throat, The Magic Bullet turned right…in mid-air without deflecting off of ANYTHING at all…paused for approximately 1.6 seconds, then turned left…again, in mid-air without deflecting off of ANYTHING at all…and entered the far right side of Connally’s back, just below his right armpit!

Mind Blown (@___MindBlown___) | Twitter

For me, it is more-or-less irrelevant that the bullet then proceeds to make several other physics-defying moves, as it rips through Connally’s body…popping in and out of his chest and wrist…shattering bones along the way…before making a ludicrous u-turn in mid-air and then…FINALLY…embedding itself in his left thigh…where it, allegedly, falls out later on the stretcher in Parkland Hospital…which is also not likely to have happened, since the body tissues will usually swell up around a bullet…encasing and holding it in place.  The body does not normally just squirt the bullet back out the way it came in…

The Nephite Ministry of Jesus Christ—Part 3 | Rational Faiths | Mormon Blog

The path through Connally’s body becomes irrelevant, for me, because of the IMPOSSIBLE Physics that occur when the bullet is in-between Kennedy and Connally.  OF COURSE what happens along the bullet’s path…after that…is ALSO going to be IMPOSSIBLE!

The Eco Cat Lady Speaks: Thoughts on Simplicity

But what is NOT irrelevant, is the condition of the bullet…after ALL of its lunacy…as it was “found” on that stretcher at Parkland.

The so-called "magic bullet" from the John F. Kennedy assassination. It went through JFK's ...

As you can see in the image above, the bullet was found in near-pristine condition.  Thus, this is where the level of IMPOSSIBLE for The Magic Bullet Theory “goes to plaid!”

The Warren Commission Comparison Bullets

In the image below, The Magic Bullet, CE399, is on the far left.  As part of their “investigation,” The Warren Commission had several bullets “test-fired.”

  • CE572, the two bullets just to the right of The Magic Bullet…that are spaced closely together…were test-fired into cotton, which simulates a bullet hitting nothing.  This was done in order to have a baseline for comparison.
  • CE853, the bullet that is second from the right…which looks as if it might be a different caliber altogether…was test-fired into the rib bone of a goat cadaver.  This was done to simulate the deformation effects upon The Magic Bullet, as a result of smashing through Connally’s rib.
  • And…my personal favorite…CE856, the bullet on the right, was test-fired into the wrist of a human cadaver.  This was done to simulate the deformation effects upon The Magic Bullet, as a result of smashing through Connally’s radius bone.

Kennedys And King - Robert A. Wagner, The Assassination of JFK: Perspectives Half A Century Later

To clarify, the reason that CE853, the bullet test-fired into the goat’s rib (second from the right in the image above), looks as if it is a different caliber…which it is not…is due to the deformation that occurred along the bullet’s vertical axis as it struck the goat’s rib, causing the bullet to flatten/widen.  The point being…a collision with a SINGLE rib bone DOES deform a bullet.

EXAMS AND ME : Magic Bullet To Kennedy Phenomenon

Few words are necessary…here…to explain why CE856 is my personal favorite of the comparison bullets.  I mean…COME ON…just look at that thing!  THAT is the deformation as a result of the bullet hitting only ONE of the TWO bones…not to mention ALL of the other body tissues and clothing.  One can only imagine how this Magic Bullet would ACTUALLY look, were it possible to recreate an IMPOSSIBLE journey.

Kennedys And King - Robert A. Wagner, The Assassination of JFK: Perspectives Half A Century Later

In my opinion, The Warren Commission invalidated their own IMPOSSIBLE theory, just by publishing this picture (above) in their “official” report!

EXAMS AND ME : Magic Bullet To Kennedy Phenomenon

This “self-produced invalidation” is significant to consider when comparing the similar, Wetikó-driven National INsecurity patterns that exist between the Kennedy assassinations, their subsequent cover ups, and the events/cover up surrounding 9/11…I’ll come back to this shorty.

Pattern Recognition Quotes & Sayings | Pattern Recognition Picture Quotes

June 5, 1968 (10 Dog) ~ The Assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy,f_auto,g_center,pg_1,q_60,w_965/r85jriq4vhvzre0ghubv.jpg

“Bobby” Kennedy was attending a victory celebration at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, the night he was assassinated.  After winning the crucial California primary election, earlier that day, it was clear that he would likely become the next President of The United States, later that year.

As it was in the “official” story of his brother’s murder…less than five years earlier…Magic, physics-defying, bullets…also fired by a “lone assassin”…were…apparently…again…”used” to assassinate Robert Kennedy.

I say ” Magic, physics-defying, bullets,” because the alleged single assassin in RJK’s murder, Sirhan Sirhan, was…according to ALL of the eye-witnesses…standing 4 to 6 feet in front of Kennedy that night in Los Angeles.  With his arm extended to point the gun at RJK, Sirhan could have brought the muzzle ONLY to within 1 to 3 FEET from the FRONT of Kennedy’s head…

…yet…MAGICALLY…according to the autopsy, Robert Kennedy was shot 3 times…ALL from behind…and at CLOSE range!  As displayed in the image above, the fatal head shot entered just BEHIND his right ear.

And, based on the forensic analysis of the gun powder burns on Kennedy’s ear and neck, the muzzle of the gun was NO FURTHER THAN 1 to 3 INCHES away from his head!

1 to 3 FEET away and in front of RFK

1 to 3 INCHES away and behind RFK

25 Funny WTF Meme Pictures You've Ever Seen | Part 1 | Reckon Talk

The other two bullets entered Kennedy’s body from below and behind…as if someone had been kneeling behind and firing up at the Senator.

Thus…it is IMPOSSIBLE that Sirhan Sirhan fired the bullets that killed Robert Kennedy…and yet he is STILL in jail today for the crime!

That's too dark | Mind = Blown | Know Your Meme

How did we come to THIS IMPOSSIBLE State?!

Know the outcome and you’ll see the journey.

David Icke

USAF Established > National Museum of the US Air Force™ > Display

July 26, 1947 (8 Dog) ~ Secrecy Incorporated Reorganizing And Consolidating The National Security State!



Con = Together/With

Spire = Spirit

ConSpire = Together/With Spirit

The time has come to remove the “dirt” from the werd, “Conspiracy!

Conspiracies are NOT all evilIn fact, 99.999999% of the time, they are Sacred!

It is IMPOSSIBLE for a human being to act alone, because Spirit is ALWAYS…and in ALL wayshere with each one of us…working with us and working through us.

This is our birthright…our Sacred Conspiracy!

FAITH = First Attribute In Thinking Healthy

Spirit at Work - Br. Ed Phelan, FSC

The Wetikó sneaks in and undermines our relationship with Spirit…nefariously wedging Itself between us and The Divine.  This creates the possibility for each of us to…unknowingly…invert our Sacred Conspiracy with Spirit, into a covertly guided and controlled Criminal Conspiracy with The Wetikó.  When we then choose to include other humans into THATDevilish” mix…LOOK OUT!!!

15 True Crime Conspiracy Theories That Will Creep You Out - Powws

Criminal Conspiracy:

1. Must involve two or more people.

2. Must involve the use of coercion or deceit.

3. Must be illegal or immoral

The Strange Career of 'National Security' — Bunk

As you can see in the picture above, Harry Truman was not acting alone in July of 1947MANY others were “in on it” with him.  The passage into law of the National Security Act, represented a significant milestone for the centuries-long criminal conspiracy that covertly…and corrosively…controls humanity today.

The “essential evils” of The 1947 National Security Act:

  • National Security Counsel (NSC) created
  • Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) created
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) created
  • The position of Secretary of Defense created
  • Department of War & Department of Navy merged and reorganized into The Department of Defense (DoD), which includes:
    • Department of The Army
    • Department of The Navy (Including The Marines)
    • Department of The Air Force

For Reference:

Effectively, this move to reorganize and centralize our nation’s intelligence and military institutions, led to the formal establishment of a secret…and separate…”government” within The United States government…what many, today, have NAMEd, “The Deep State.”

America Discovers the Deep State — Welcome to the Party - WhoWhatWhy

I say the “formal establishment,” because before 1947, it was an “informal” secret government…but it was already operating…it did not begin in47.  But that is a topic for the forthcoming Episode Six!

In my opinion, the most significant result of this new Act, was the ability for this secret government to “ramp up” its usage of the phrase, “On the grounds of National Security, when explaining why “they” had classified some piece of information and, therefore, refused to share said information with the public.

As a result, the unaware public…for the past 74 years…have believed that “they” were referring to The United States, when “they” used the word, “National.”

But, in reality, “they” were referring to “THEIR” secret “nation.”  This secret nation is what I was calling out earlier as the Magic “House of Cards” Building that is the Wetikó-ized National INsecurity State…of The United States…under which we live today!

Mind-blowing TV shows too epic to binge - Film Daily

January 17, 1961 (5 Jaguar) ~ President Eisenhower’s Farewell Address To The Nation

Ironically, after 8 years (19521960) of policies and decisions that essentially allowed this “new” formal secret government to thrive and expand, President Eisenhower appeared to clearly discern the monster he had helped to bolster and…3 days before leaving office, during his final Presidential address to the nation…he warned the American population of the monster’s existence.  He gave it the NAME!, “Military Industrial Complex.”

In the counsels of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence…whether sought or unsoughtby the military industrial complex.  The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists…and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or our democratic processes.
President Eisenhower, Farewell Address on January 17, 1961

The entire speech is a little over 15 minutes long and can be viewed by clicking the hyperlink above, but this 2 minute clip (below) excepts the bulk of Eisenhower’s warning.

April 27, 1961 (1 Jaguar) ~ The President and The Press:  Address Before The American Newspaper Publishers Association

Four months later, the newly inaugurated President Kennedy quickly moved to expand American awareness of this monster, when he spoke passionately (below) about the Criminal Conspiracy he inherited from Eisenhower, Truman, and their predecessors.

For we are opposed…around the worldby a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, that relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence.  On infiltration, instead of invasion.  On subversion, instead of elections.  On intimidation, instead of free choice.  On gorillas by night, instead of armies by day.
-John F. Kennedy-

It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources, into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operationsIts preparations are concealed, not published.  Its mistakes are buried, not headlined.  Its dissenters are silenced, not praisedNo expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.
-John F. Kennedy-

Apparently naive to the Vmo/”structural limits” of his influence and power as President, however, Kennedy chose the “wrong” audience for his message…asking the press and media organizations to assist him in revealing this secret Wetikó-system within our democracy.

Or perhaps not…as the message of this speech, in its totality, is to call upon the press to essentially silence/censor itself in peacetime on matters of National Security…without the government doing the silencing/censoring!  In actuality, he’s talking about communism and the Soviet Union in this speech, NOT the larger conspiracy which, I feel, Eisenhower was pointing out in his farewell address…and yet, JFK’s words…in my opinion…so poignantly point to the larger conspiracy!

Image tagged in self-head slap - Imgflip

Evidently JFK did not know (or maybe he DID!) that the media organizations were also, already, controlled by this secret society.  The role of the media is a topic I will be discussing in more detail later…in a future part of Episode Five.

Mainstream Media Lies Memes - MSM Lies

However, highly pertinent to mention…briefly…here, it was the CIA…in 1967…who spread the “dirt” over the phrase “conspiracy theory“…in the first place…via their “Operation Mockingbird,” in which CIA “assets” infiltrated every conceivable level of the US media…and remains there to this day!

They successfully demonized this phrase, specifically for the purpose of thwarting any-and-all attempts to call attention to the IMPOSSIBLE holes in The Warren Commission’s conclusions regarding JFK’s murder…assumingly due to their likely involvement in the assassination!

After the murder of John Kennedy, exactly ZERO US Presidents have bravely chosen to speak up or speak out about the monster’s existence.  The horribly vicious public execution of JFK was, apparently, a loud enough message to echo across the decades…all these long years…all the way until TODAY!

September 11, 2021 (5 Transformer) ~ Declaring A State Of National INsecurity!!!

What safeguards are needed for Hong Kong's new national security law? Who could get caught by it ...

Self-Produced Invalidation ~ Signature of The Wetikó

It is truly enough, in my opinion, that the path of The Magic Bullet is IMPOSSIBLE.  When I began researching JFK’s murder, I was 100% sure that the “official” story was a lie, as soon as I learned that this wacky “bullet-path theory” was part of it.

However, the fact that the condition of the bullet is SO pristine, to me, indicates…as Building 7 does for 9/11 and the position and distance of Sirhan do for RFK’s murder…that those who perpetrated these events intentionally created IMPOSSIBLE stories, when “they” constructed “their” cover ups.

It seems that “they” were SO confident in “themselves”…SO sure that Americans would not be able to figure it out…that “they” purposely manifested completely ridiculous scenarios within “their” narratives…like a massive array of “middle fingers” being thrust in our collective faces.

Sometimes, you need more than two middle fingers. | Cute memes, Cute love memes, Cartoon memes

“They” chose to provably invalidate “their” own stories and pass them off as truth.  THIS type of behavior has The Wetikó’s influence “written” all over it!

It is as if “they” are saying to us, “Hey, we have SO little respect for you, America, that we are intentionally putting forward these IMPOSSIBLE situations and calling them facts.  Just in case it is not already 100% clear…we are doing this BECAUSE we think you are ALL complete idiots!”

As bad as THAT sounds…it gets worse…WAAAAAY worse!

Word of the Day: EXASPERATION | Star trek funny, Twilight funny, Funny quotes

While everything I have presented in this piece, thus far, discusses events that are provably IMPOSSIBLE, when one chooses to dig deeper into the three investigations discussed herein (9/11, JFK AND RFK’s murders), one quickly finds that…essentially…all aspects of these narratives…no matter where you look…are COMPLETE LIES!

Each of these “official” stories and MANY more…related to other paradigm-changing events over the past 100 years…are constructs made of ashes.  When one pokes a finger into that construct to investigate…by design, the story immediately falls apart!

This is SIGNATURE Wetikó!

I Dont Feel So Good End Game GIF by phlywheel

And, then, when formal questions arise about the validity of this “pile of ashes”…the answer is ALWAYS the same…

“That information is classified on the grounds of National Security!”

National Security. The age old cry of the oppressor. -Jean-Luc Picard - Picard on Rights - quickmeme

For example, within the first 24 hours after The Pentagon explosion on 9/11, the FBI confiscated as many as 85 different video recordings from businesses near The Pentagon…and classified ALL of them on the grounds of National SecurityIF the “official” story were true, there would be NO rational explanation for withholding these videos from the public…on the grounds of National Security…or any other grounds, for that matter!

Hotel CCTV Video of 9/11 Pentagon Explosion... And NO Plane!, page 30

In fact, it would be EXACTLY the opposite!

If there were even just ONE video that showed American Airlines flight 77 slamming into The Pentagon, as the “official” story bespoke, one would expect that this amazing video would have been played over and over again on ALL news networks…as it was for the video of the alleged flight UA175, as it slammed into WTC 2.

Recognizing The PatternsAcross Timeof Self-Produced Invalidation ~ Wetikó-Tactics

The Warren Commission Report by The Warren Commission | 9781599869261 | Hardcover | Barnes & Noble

To clarify my point, let us compare the audacity of the image we discussed earlier…from The Warren Commission’s report…regarding the test-fired “comparison” bullets…and how the image, itself, invalidates their own wacky Magic Bullet Theory

Kennedys And King - Robert A. Wagner, The Assassination of JFK: Perspectives Half A Century Later

…to the audacity of this image (below), which was published in the NIST report for Building 7.  Presumably to confound and confuse their readers regarding the free fall “issue,” NIST broke apart Building 7‘s collapse into three “stages”…to separate out the free fall portion (Stage 2 in the image below) from the beginning (Stage 1) and ending (Stage 3) parts of the collapse.

Amazingly…and the reason I am relating it to the Warren Commission comparison bullets picture…NIST decided to add that red “linear regression” line into this image…LITERALLY drawing a line straight through the free fall portion of the collapse, as if to paradoxically HIGHLIGHT the very thing they were looking to DEemphasize!

Sometimes, you need more than two middle fingers. | Cute memes, Cute love memes, Cartoon memes

And THEN…to REEEEEALLY poke their middle fingers into our metaphoric eyes…with UNBELIEVABLE audacity, they decided to include the linear regression line’s equation, which includes the 32feet-per-second rate of free fall acceleration, in the bottom right corner of the image! (32 feet/second is the conversion from 9.8 meters/secondby the way!)

SelfProduced Invalidation!!!

9/11 Commission Report Including the Executive Summary / Edition 1 by National Commission on ...

Incidentally, The 9/11 Commission Report…which was published before the NIST Building 7 report…decided to invalidate their own efforts, by NOT mentioning Building 7 ANYWHERE in their report!

[Image - 342476] | Mind = Blown | Know Your Meme

Ultimately, it is my contention…as the title of this piece DECLARES…that these Wetikó-tactics, repeated over and over again across the decades, have coaxed us into a State of National INsecurty!

HOPE = Heavenly Optimism Provided Eternally

And THIS is where…ultimately…Spirit swoops into the picture to “save the day”…at the LAST possible second…when ALL hope seems lost…as it is in ALL of the epic Hero’s Journeys across ALL of human HIStory!!!

For the VERY Wetikó-tactics that have been used AGAINST us for these past 7+ decades…when inverted…are what end up working FOR us…to help each of us “wake up” to what is actually going on!

Because when the “BULLSHIT” becomes THIS smelly…it can no longer be ignored!

Pin on Makes me laugh

Soooooo…thank YOU, Wetikó!!!

As challenging as it may be to see the “bright side” of this situation, I perceive a Divine Solution!

If “their” tactic is to deny us access to the truth on the grounds of “National Security,” then we can choose to NOT accept that answer…on the grounds of National INsecurity!

National Save The Eagle Day 2024 - Brita Cordula

In reality, our trust was broken decades ago…and so it is CERTAINLY broken today!  WE can NO LONGER allow this process to continue!  All we have…in our collective relationship with The National INsecurity State…is uncertainty, anxiety, and a COMPLETE lack of confidence!

Insecurity: Pastors, Church Leaders, and Churches | Ronnie Floyd

We are CHOOSING to accept these lies, but we do not HAVE to accept them.  These government “institutions” are paid for BY us and these people were hired to work FOR US…the citizens of The United StatesNOT the small collection of psychopathic billionaires who are behind this “dark” state!

The capital “TTruth is right HERE for us to discern…that being…the ONLY power that others have over us…is the power that WE give to THEM…by acquiescing to their “dark” demands!

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
Plato (428 or 424 – 347 BC)

So unite…once again…with me, Brothers and SistersMy Beautiful Human Family!  Stand up, align with your heart, conspire with Spirit by following what you KNOW to be right, and your mental chains will be broken!

Follow Your Heart - Modern Calligraphy Phrase Stock Vector - Image ...


  DO NOT CONSENT to the “National Securityexcuse any longer!

Reclaim Your Truth, By Declaring A State Of National INsecurity!!!

ONLY you can do this for yourself…NO ONE ELSE can or will be saving you from your own, self-produced, mental enslavement!  YOU got this!  I trust IN YOU!

You’ve got to, you’ve got to, you’ve got to TAKE YOUR POWER BACK!
Nahko and Medicine For The People

Didn't Work Then, Won't Work Now | HuffPost

Sat NAM!!! (True NAME!!!)

When you try to stay on the surface of the water, you sink; but when you try to sink, you float; and that insecurity is the result of trying to be secure.
Alan Watts, on his “Backwards Law”

Soundtrack for this piece, “My Country” by Nahko and Medicine For The People:

P.S. ~ Synchrony With Intention ~ Energetic Alignment

Synchronicity is an everpresent reality for those who have eyes to see it.
Carl Jung

Today is September 11th, 2021.  On the Mayan Tzolk’in calendar, today is 5 Transformer.

As you may already know, the Tzolk’in is a 260-day, never-ending “energetic tracking system,” spiraling through time.  You can learn more about it here, if you wish!  Further, if you…further…wish, you may convert Gregorian calendar dates to Tzolk’in energetic combinations here!

One of the primary reasons I was drawn to begin studying and aligning with the Tzolk’in, is the ever-present synchronicity I find when I engage this system.  As Carl Jung said, one must have “eyes to see it,” but once it is seen…it cannot be “unseen”….and the Tzolk’in, more than any other system I have studied, seems to make it possible to SEE these Divine alignments with increasing regularity.  Truly, the more one dives in…the more one can see what was previously unseen.

So it is the case that today’s synchronous alignment of energies, 5 Transformer, exudes incredible meaning and significance…for me personally…but also for all Americans…and humanity in general…related to this 20th anniversary of 9/11…but more poignantly…for the present reality in which the world finds itself…deeply immersed, for the past 20 months, in the Plandemic/Scamdemic…what many have NAMEd, “9/11 in slow motion.”

5…being the number of fingers we have on each hand…simultaneously represents the “work” we do with our hands…as humans…and the empowerment we receive from Spirit…as a result of completing our “work.”  As the image above describes, 5 also highlights our ability to “network”…to “connect the dots” (As David Icke exemplifies)…which allows us to see the larger pattern that emerges when we investigate deeply across seemingly unrelated “dots”/topics…and then stand back to see the whole story…once those dots have been connected.

Transformer, appropriately, is the Sun Sign of death, rebirth, and…well…the inevitable transformation that occurs as a result of this never-ending process.  As Mark Elmy often explains about the Transformer Sun Sign, in his daily blog about the Tzolk’in, “Birth is the gateway into the mortal life, death the gateway into the eternal.”  Below is an except from his blog today for 5 Transformer.

Kame (Transformer) days can be days on which we face challenges, with an opportunity to overcome them and growKame brings us the strength to overcome our greatest fears, should we choose to, and in order to do this, they have to present themselves to us.
Mark Elmy

And, thus, Transformer is discerned as an extremely positive Sun Sign…even though most would, potentially, be “unnerved” by the “death” association.  But, as death is the gateway to eternal life…there is truly nothing to fear from our eventual…transformation into light…not that that truth makes it much easier to “bear the weight” of said transformation…but we need not fear it…and, in fact, to truly evolve and fully awaken while living our mortal lives, we MUST learn to accept, surrender to, and release our fear of death.

If you want to have new birth, new revelation, new insight into life…as you grow as a human beingyou will learn to keep dying.
Chungliang Al Huang

And so, 5 Transformer…among many potential interpretations…can certainly be described as a day for working with and/or working for the transformations related to birth, life, death, and rebirth.

While this can be interpreted as the literal physical processes that unfold in our daily lives, as it relates to the synchronicity of these Sacred energies aligning with both the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and the publication of this piece today, it is the metaphoric death processes upon which I prefer to comment.

For me, learning to re-perceive not only 9/11, but nearly everything else that has happened…and continues to happen…in the world, has been the metaphoric death of how I used to perceive reality…and a rebirth of how I meow perceive reality.  In my case, in particular, this death and rebirth has been ongoing since January of 2012…when I first began re-perceiving 9/11…after watching the first Zeitgeist film.

So, I feel Divinely blessed to be publishing this piece on this day…for I have been “working for and working with transformation” for many years meow!

Divine Light Appears in the Darkness — Two Great Prayers from 2nd Allogenes — A Gnostic Scripture

The Trecena (13-Day Mayan “Week”) of Wind!

5 Transformer falls within the Trecena of WindFour days ago, 9/7/21, was 1 Wind.  The Sun Sign that aligns with the 1 day of each Trecena is said to be the energetic “ruler” of that 13-day period.  As such, each day within the Wind Trecena is heavily influenced/affected by this “blustery” and ever-changing, “Divine Communication,” Sun Sign.

I found more Divine synchrony and support, as I neared the completion of this piece a couple weeks ago, when I realized that it would be published within the Wind Trecena.  For it was 45 days ago, on 7/29/21…which was 13 Wind…when I published the Premise for Act II…within which this piece “lives!”  This synchrony was profound for me, because my impetus for publishing the Premise…at that time…was motivated by my decision…which was made back at the end of June of this year…to publish this piece today…on the 20th Planiversay of 9/11!

As I explained at the end of the Premise, in the Synchrony With Intention section of THAT piece, I did not “choose” to publish that piece on 13 Wind…I “chose” to publish it on 7/29 for a different reason.  It was not until after I had picked that date, that I then looked up and learned it would also be 13 Wind that day!

This is SO significant to me, because…as my birth Sun Sign is Jaguar…the Wind Sun Sign is where my life path is leading…as I approach my elder-ship at the age of 52.  I recognize that I’d need to explain a lot more about how the Mayan “birth chart” is laid out, for pretty much anyone else to fully understand this significance.  Suffice to say…I often describe myself as a Jaguar learning how to become a Hummingbird…which is the Animal Totem for the Wind Sun Sign!


If ’47 is the “poison“…purrrhaps ’74 is The Cure!

Synchronicity is always cooler when it comes in threes…so I shall end this piece…last but FOR SURE not least…with a third and final synchrony related to a fascinating numerical “phenomenon” regarding the years 1947 and 1974.

As I mentioned earlier, 1947 is when the National Security Act was put into law and…as a result…major “dark” developments followed, that continue to cast their shadows on the world today.  And thus, while it did not begin in 1947, a poisonous venom was allowed to seep much deeper into American culture that year.

~27 years later…

August 8, 1974 (3 Serpent) ~ Richard Nixon Resigns!

Photos: On this day in 1974, Nixon resigns as president

As I will discuss in forthcoming parts of Episode Five, Richard Nixon was DEEPLY involved…for decades before he became President…with the agenda to control humanity.  This dude was a bad, BAD man!

So, I find it profoundly and synchronously significant…for my personal Hero’s Journey…that circumstances BEYOND the control of this dastardly dark organization, conspired to force the necessity of Nixon’s resignation, during August of 1974…while I was in my Mother’s womb!

Additionally synchronous, the man who “took over” for Nixon, Gerald Ford, has the same given NAME! as my paternal grandfather.  As it was already my father’s middle NAME!, when I was born in December of ’74, my parents “chose” to also give that middle NAME! to me!

SOOOOOO!  The year I was born, was not only THE ONLY time in American HIStory that a President has resigned…BUT I transformed into this physical form…and was given a middle NAME!…during the first of ONLY 3.5 years of our HIStory, when we had a President NAMEd “Gerald!”  Just to clarify, my parents DEFINITELY DID NOT NAME! me in honor of Gerald Ford!

Incidentally, among various interpretations, “Gerald” means “Rules With A Spear”!  Since I am a non-violent man, I interpret that to mean, “He Who Has A STRONG Backbone”! 😉

Oh…yeah…ONE other fascinating synchrony related to ’47 and ’74…as it relates to right MEOW!!!

2021 is EXACTLY 74 years since 1947!!!

Meow…as my family and few remaining “old” friends can attest…I have been spouting off at the mouth about 9/11…since January of 2012…to pretty much ANYONE that would allow me to speak on the topic.  However, I could only see the Divine Synchrony for why this piece was not “ready” until today, with the benefit of hindsight.  That being that…I needed to live through ALL of the experiences in my awakening journey over the past 10 years.  I simply was NOWHERE near ready to Declare A State Of National INsecurity until THIS year…until right MEOW!!!

As it ALWAYS is with synchronicity…not only is this something that I could not have seen ahead of time…the complexity, itself, of how these pieces all “fell into place”…across the decades…is something that NO human could design!

It reminds me of this scene from the original “Karate Kid” movie from the 1980s.  Daniel must first wax Miyagi’s cars, and sand Miyagi’s floors, and paint Miyagi’s fence…AND become incredibly frustrated to the point of giving up altogether…before he learned that ALL ALONG…Miyagi was teaching him Karate!!!

At this point in the movie, “Daniel-san” had ONLY trained for 4 DAYS!  So if my “measly” 10 years of “training” represents ONLY the first 4 DAYS of this True NAME! Hero’s Journey…well…let’s just say that I’m looking forward to what comes next, as I continue to Discover The Wetikó!

ralph macchio GIF

My favorite line in that scene comes right at the end…as almost ALL the great lines do…as Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel the proper way to bow with respect…and encourages him to continue his training…especially in a time of adversity!

Ahhhh…LOOK EYEALWAYS look eyeCome back tomorrow.
-Mr. Miyagi-

Thank You, Great SpiritThank YouPachamama, and Thank You, Papa Cielo!

Sat NAM! and BEYOND, My Beautiful Human FamilyI Trust in YOU!!!  WE GOT THIS!!!

For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.
-John F. Kennedy-

Next Piece:  Episode Five, Part II ~ Economic Vampirism: The 16th (“Sinks Teeth”) Amendment And The Creation Of The I REEEALLY Suck (IRS)!!!

AAMCN Blog: August 2015

Additional references…for those who wish to KNOW!

Hands down the best book EVER written to FULLY understand 9/11…and SO much more!

Indie Media East Coast: David Icke Explains the Trigger & Endgame

Documentary Smorgasbord!

Additional videos may be viewed on the Video Resources page!

Back To: Episode Five ~ The Love of Power: Controlling Our “Humanity”…To Learn The Art of Surrender!

Table of Contents

Chronological Table of Contents
