Act IV, Episode Astrology, Section B ~ Evolutionary “Ophiucan” Astrology: The Ongoing “Hero’s Journey” Of Our Souls

Discovering The Weti, Act IV ~ Loving The Weti

Episode Astrology, Section B ~ Evolutionary Ophiucan Astrology

The Ongoing “Hero’s Journey of Our Souls

Our greatest human adventure is the evolution of consciousness. We are in this life to enlarge the soul, liberate the spirit, and light up the brain.
-Tom Robbins-

We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.

Bill Hicks

In the Fall of 2013, I was listening to a podcast by the late-great occult researcher, Jordan Maxwell.

Jordan Maxwell Show - Message from Jordan : Coming Soon - YouTube

On this particular show, Jordan was interviewing a friend of his who studies an alternative form of Western Astrology which includes the “hidden” 13th constellation of The Zodiac, Ophiuchus.  I first learned about Ophiuchus at the end of 2012, but hadn’t yet looked much into it…or Astrology in general…beyond a cursory review of the traits and dates for this mysterious 13th Zodiac constellation…

Understandably fascinated by what I was hearing in the interview…as my birthday falls within the date range for Ophiuchus…I booked an appointment to have my natal birth chart read by this “alternative astrologer”…as a birthday present for myself…in December of 2013.

As I briefly described at the end of the Introduction for this website, Ophiuchus…The Serpent Handler…is not “traditionally” considered to be one of The Zodiac constellations, because…as seen in the image above…only the feet of this massive constellation exist within the Zodiac “belt”, aka The Ecliptic.

The rest of Ophiuchus’ body stands perpendicular to the other 12 Zodiac constellations contained within The Ecliptic…which is the apparent path across the sky through which The Sun travels, as It passes in front of each Zodiac constellation throughout the 12-months of the calendar year.

The Ecliptic is represented by the red dotted line running across Ophiuchus’ feet, in the image above.  Follow that line and you will also find Scorpio underfoot, the scales of Libra off to the right and Sagittarius on the bottom left…that’s The Ecliptic…the path upon which The Sun travels through Its ongoing Hero’s Journey across the sky!  The Zodiac constellations are all characters in the story of The Sun’s Hero’s Journey!

Zodiac Wheel Board // Astrology Guide // Magickal Decor Blackened This Zodiac Wheel provides an ...

Imagine the Zodiac wheel on the floor and you are standing on it…looking down from above.  That is the orientation of Ophiuchus to the rest of the Zodiac constellations…the “bird’s-eye view.”

Due to this privileged position, one of Ophiuchus’ essential wisdom offerings involves cultivating the ability to see the entire story from “the bird’s eye view” vs. only a slice of the story, seen from the first-person perspective “on the ground.”

Harvesting Corn (Bird's Eye View) | Indigo Arts

It is safe to say that learning more about Ophiuchus represented my “formal” initiation into the serious study of Astrology!

Ghim trên Inspiration

Before learning about Ophiuchus, I always thought Astrology was a bunch of hooey!

One of the first concepts that my favorite “alternative astrologer” introduced to me during my 13-constellation natal chart reading…on that fate-filled day in December of 2013…was the difference between 12-SIGN “traditional” Tropical Western Astrology (as seen in the image above) and 13-CONSTELLATION “alternative” Astrology (As seen in the image below).

He explained that 12-sign Tropical “Astrology” is NOT based on the stars…it is based on dividing the sky into 12 equal 30-degree fixed/non-moving sections that have fixed/non-moving dates upon which each section aligns throughout the year…and that creates the nice/neat 360-degree “circle of twelve” that most westernized people know as The Tropical Zodiac.

English with Brian

He emphasized that it is unfortunate that while each of the 12 SIGNS of Tropical Astrology carry the same labels as the constellations upon which they are based…Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, etc….Tropical Astrology is not “looking at” or considering the actual constellations…beyond the NAME!

Of primary significance, as it relates to Ophiuchus’ place in the Zodiac wheel, the 12 Tropical Zodiac signs are all given equal 30-degree sections of the sky, however…as anyone who chooses to obverse the actual night sky can plainly see…the actual constellations are not each exactly 30-degrees of the sky!

Taking another (closer) look at the hand-drawn image above…when one re-draws the 360-degree Zodiac “wheel” to include Ophiuchus…and does so using the actual length (in degrees) that each constellation occupies in the sky…things go from being nice and neat to…well…slightly more complex!

For example, in the “traditional” 12-sign Tropical system, Virgo is 30 degrees of the wheel…as are all other 11 signs.

In the image above, however, you will notice that Virgo is 42.5 degrees in the 13-constellation Zodiac wheel.  This is due to the observable fact that when one measures the actual constellation of Virgo, as it actually appears in the sky, it comprises ~42.5 degrees of the sky…NOT 30 degrees!


At the other end of the “degree spectrum,” notice…in the same hand-drawn image above…that Scorpio shrinks from 30 degrees down to “only” 7 degrees!

Scorpions ARE very small, after all!

Even in the sky…it would seem!

Just Scorpion by alifggg - Meme Center


This “redrawing” of the Zodiac wheel is where many people…who are familiar with the “traditional” Tropical system…will often get their “feathers ruffled” because…as you can see in the image below…as a result of the shift away from 12 equal 30-degree “assignments,” the dates for each constellation change…and thus…most people’s “Sun,” in their natal birth chart, changes accordingly!

Solving the Mystery of the 13th Zodiac Sign

The exact change of position depends on where exactly The Sun is located in a person’s chart.  Sometimes The Sun will still be in the same constellation, but It has moved from the end of the date range to the beginning.  However, most people’s Sun changes to the constellation that is directly before the one they are “used to.”  For example, moving from Virgo to Leo…or from Leo to Cancer, etc.

So, too, do the positions of the various planets in a person’s natal chart shift and…usually…change to the constellation before the one to which they are familiar!

Something I find insightful to explore with a person…once I’ve explained this information to them for the first time…is that, more times than not, a person’s initial reaction…when finding out that they actually have another Astrological natal chart that is based on the actual stars…is to emphatically exclaim that they do NOT like the sign before “theirs!”

What I find insightful, here, is that…in this context…they are suggesting that they do NOT like themselves! 😉

Pin on Astrology Memes

You will also notice that the “new dates” for each constellation have moved by about 1 month in comparison to the “old dates.”

This is due to a separate issue within Tropical “Astrology”…

[Image - 795959] | Wait For It... | Know Your Meme

My theory of evolution is that Darwin was adopted.
-Steven Wright-

I promise that I am coming to the “evolution part of the story”…that the title of this piece suggests…but first!

Can You Identify These 12 Zodiac Signs? | QuizPug

There is a completely separate issue, in my opinion, existing within the conventional Tropical 12-Sign Western “Astrological” system…and this issue is NOT related to the “actual-constellation-sizes” concern discussed above and it is also NOT related to the fact that there are 13 Zodiac constellations vs. 12.

Pin on Cathedrals, Castles, Monuments, and Abbeys

This separate issue is related to the approximately(~) 24,000-year-long cycle of time known as The Precession of The Equinoxes.  The ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, NAMEd this cycle, “The Great Year.”

The Great Year - YouTube | Greatful, Ancient technology, Ancient knowledge

I will be discussing The Great Year in much more detail in a forthcoming piece, but just to briefly introduce the concept here…for the purpose of describing this separate issue that I wish to convey about the 12-Sign Tropical system…I feel the need to explain a theory and, separately, a concept about the nature of how this long cycle of time unfolds.

The term “precession” refers to a change in the direction of the axis of a rotating object.

Movie Leo GIF

Similar to a spinning top that slowly wobbles as it spins, due to The Earth’s 23.5 degree axial tilt (Displayed in the image below), combined with the gravitational effects of The Sun and Moon upon The Earth’s equator…over the course of ~24,000 years, our planet will slowly wobble on its axis and, thus, will constantly…and very SLOWLY…”point,” through its north pole, to a slightly different location in the northern sky throughout the course of The Great Year.

Viewing this phenomenon from The Earth’s surface, to us it appears that the entire sky is rotating in the opposite direction one time every ~24,000 years!

Earth's Unknown geographical facts - 25+ Surprising Information About ...

Incidentally, there are actually two theories which attempt to explain why The Precession of The Equinoxes takes place.  One involves this axial tilt idea and the other theory involves the idea that The Sun is in a binary orbit with the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, and that this “precessional” (clockwise-through-space) orbit takes ~24,000 years to complete one time.

Our Suns Binary and Spiritual Second Sun (Coverup), page 1

Since the axial tilt theory is more widely known…and agreed upon…as the cause of Precession, I’ll focus on it here and leave the binary orbit theory to…STAR…in the forthcoming piece that I mentioned above, about The Great Year.

I wanted to briefly include it here, though, because I kinda feel like the binary orbit theory may be the correct one…

BUT…that may be a biased perspective…due to the fact that I think its a REALLY cool idea!

PLUS, to me, it feels like an epic Love story!  Ya know…between our Sun and Sirius…as they slowly orbit one another!  A Love story that spirals back across billions of years!

 Meow THAT’S some SIRIUS Love! 😉 😉

gravity solar system GIF

  Epic Love!!!

To be as inclusive as possible…for the possible cause of Precession…in the Flat Earth paradigm, I imagine that it would be the entire “dome” of The Firmament rotating clockwise over our heads once every ~24,000 years…or perhaps The Firmament is not rotating…perhaps the entire Flat Earth is doing so! 😉

FLAT EARTH POSTER PRINT - FIRMAMENT DOME ART - High Gloss Laminate Finish (a3) | eBay

ASS On Fire Takes You Higher: But again I Digress

The tilt of our planet…by the way…is also the cause of our 4 seasons, as we move counter-clockwise around The Sun throughout the year.  In the northern hemisphere, we “lean into” The Sun during the warmer months and we “lean away” during the cooler months…as seen below.

Earth season Royalty Free Vector Image - VectorStock

Precessing…this “wobble effect”…takes place across a truly epic expanse of time!

This ~24,000-year-long dance around the sky moves clockwise…meaning from West to East vs. East to West like everything else in the sky…at a rate of ~1 degree of the sky every 72 years and, thus, it takes ~24,000 years to come 360 degrees back around to the same point in space again!

Mind Blown GIF

During our time…our place in The Grand Precession has our planet’s north pole pointing almost directly at the star, Polaris.  This is why Polaris is known as “The North Star!”

Beautiful Time-Lapse of the Night Sky Over Joshua Tree National Park

Due to The Earth’s daily rotation, if one takes a time-lapse image of the night sky…all of the other stars will be observed rotating around Polaris…located in the center of all the circles in the image above.

As can be extrapolated at the top of the image above (Where it reads, “Precessional circle“), in ~12,000 years from meow…which is halfway through the next precessional cycle…our planet’s north pole will have “wobbled” through space away from Polaris and it will…during that distant time…be pointing at the star, Vega.

Also diagrammed in the image above, is the proposed explanation for why…from a human’s perspective observing this great celestial phenomenon from The Earth’s surface…the constellations of The Zodiac appear to move “backwards”/clockwise around The Earth one time every ~24,000 years!

By the by, the exact length (in years) of The Great Year is disputed…which is why, as you may have noticed, some researchers use 25,788 years (image above) or 26,000 years (image below).  That is why I keep writing ~24,000 years…no one actually knows the correct number!

What is the 26000 year cycle? -

Keep in mind that the daily rotation of our planet is counter-clockwise…which is why The Sun appears to rise in The East and set in The West each day.  Further, the yearly orbit of our planet around The Sun is also counter-clockwise.

However, The Precession of The Equinoxes occurs in a clockwise fashion…which causes the fixed stars to appear to slowly move West to East across the sky…from the perspective of a human observing from the The Earth’s surface over a ~24,000-year-long period of time!

Violà!  Precession explained!

Presentation GIF by H&Z Management Consulting

Weeeeell, not quite.

The MOST important concept to comprehend when observing The Precession of The Equinoxes…is…

The Equinox!!!

Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems.
Rainer Maria Rilke

Autumn equinox spiritual meaning: What is the meaning behind the autumnal equinox? - lifestylemed

Every year, on March 21st and September 23rd, we have a day that has an equal amount of light and dark…12 hours of each.  This is known as The Equinox…which means equal day and night.  As you can see in the image above, offset 3 months from The Spring and Fall Equinoxes, are the Summer and Winter Solstices…which are, respectively, the longest and shortest days of the year.

It is important to note, here, that these 4 important days of the year are ALWAYS on the same calendar days…every year…no matter how many years pass.

The Spring Equinox is always on March 21st, in our calendar, because this phenomenon is caused by Earth’s counter-clockwise orbit around The Sun and it is NOT dependent upon the movements of the stars outside of our solar system.

Pin by Nabeel Khan Art on Astronomy & Astrology | Observatory, Astronomical observatory, Spring ...

Since The Spring Equinox is always on the say day each year, it has ALWAYS been a reliable constant by which Precession can be observed and calculated/tracked across the years…hence the NAME!, “Precession of The Equinoxes!

Precession of the Equinoxes and the Great Ages in 2024 | Precession of the equinoxes, Awakening ...

Using either one of the equinoxes or one of the solstices, the ever-moving Great Year has been observed, tracked, recorded and honored by nearly every culture around the world…

Jayasree Saranathan: Sidereal representation of oscillating equinoxes (Part 3 of my paper on ...

…throughout known history and back into so-called “pre-history”…

Archives des Précession des équinoxes - Elishean 777

…a time which I refer to as, “HERstory!

And yet, despite the CLEAR evidence for the Precession-caused movement of The Zodiac constellations over time…in relation to The Spring Equinox…Tropical Astrology proponents have always and, presumably, will always hold firm that March 21st is the first day of Aries, the 30-degree sign…not the constellation of stars.

This is due to the fact that Tropical Astrology was created between 2,000-2,500 years ago, when the constellation Aries was positioned behind The Sun at The Spring Equinox.

However, due to ~2,000 years of Precession that has occurred since that time…at the rate of ~1 degree of the sky for every 72 years that pass…on The Spring Equinox in our time, the constellation of Pisces is behind The Sun…NOT Aries!

The Confident Pisces-Aries Cusp Man: His Characteristics Revealed

~2,000 years X ~1 degree every 72 years = a minimum of ~24 degrees of Precession that has occurred, since the time Tropical “Astrology” was invented.

Each of these ~2,000-year-long periods of time is know as an Astrological Age.

So, from ~2,000 BC until ~Year 0…when the constellation of Aries was behind The Sun on March 21st each year…we were said to be in The Age of Aries.

Not only is Pisces behind The Sun at The Spring Equinox in our time, but we have Precessed through most of the constellation of Pisces…to a point in space and time, where we are approaching the end of this Astrological Age of Pisces…and, in fact, the constellation of Aquarius will soon be taking its place behind The Equinoxial Sun on March 21st for the next ~2,000 years.

Thus, a popular cultural meme…since the 1960s…is that we are now living within, or imminently approaching, The Age of Aquarius!

What is The New Age & Age of Aquarius? The Truth?!

The Tropical system is not concerned about this GLARING issue of Precession because, as stated above, Tropical “Astrology” is not based upon the constellations or the stars that produce them…it is based upon SIGNS!

The meaning and symbolism of the word - «Confusion»

It was interesting for me to recently discover, after studying various forms of Astrology for about 10 years meow, that Tropical Western Astrology was originally created to be a yearly solar calendar that measures the motions of The Sun, Moon and the other planets of our solar system, as they travel through the 4 seasons of our planet each year…one 30-degree “sign” (or month) at a time!

Tropical Astrology does make use of 12 of the 13 Zodiac constellations.  It uses them as metaphoric “signs,” to mark the passing months of the year, along the path of The Sun, as it moves through the seasons…intending for a person to associate each sign/month of The Zodiac with a season on the planet.

It is a system that is measuring twelve 30-day periods of time…a lot like our 12-month Gregorian calendar!  It is a time-based tracking system!

Blow Your Mind Wow GIF by Product Hunt

This blew me away, because this is a fact that is NOT…definitely NOT…advertised to the great masses of people who use Tropical Astrology for Divinatory purposes!

It is also fascinating to me, because the word, “Astrology,” literally means, “The Study of Stars”…and yet Tropical Western “Astrology” is NOT a system that considers the fixed stars of our night sky as relevant!

Instead, it is a system that measures events in time that are ONLY related to our solar system…not the rest of the stars in our galaxy!


However, being that The Sun IS a star…I suppose Tropical Astrology is still a form of Astrology…since it is, in fact, claiming to study The Sun’s movements…at least!

Having said that, at its most fundamental level, Tropical “Astrology” claims the NAMEs and characteristics of 12 of the 13 Zodiac constellations (ALL of which are comprised of fixed stars), as the “building blocks” for the system itself…and then it claims to have nothing to do with those stars!  Hmmm!  Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

ASS On Fire Takes You Higher: But again I Digress

To sum up, clarify, and move us along to the “evolution” part of this story…allow me to present some low quality/quasi-blurry pictures that I took of my computer screen on the morning of July 14th, 2022, using the camera on my phone!  We are a “no budget” organization here at Discovering The Wetikó! 😉

Above is a picture of a typical Tropical chart of the live sky.  This is a “snapshot” of where The Sun, Moon and all the other planets are located in the sky, relative to the Zodiac signs (not the constellations), at this moment in time…or, in this case, on 7/14/22.

Not important for the point I am making, but just fyi…all of those red, blue and green lines running busily around the chart, represent angles/aspects/conversations that various planets are having with one another at that moment in time.

Zooming in on this live chart (image above), we see that the current position of The Sun on the morning of 7/14/22, according to Western Tropical “Astrology,” was at 22.3 degrees of the SIGN Cancer.

Incidentally, the Astrological icon for The Sun looks like a little bullseye target…also known as Target’s actual logo!

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But I’m SUUUUURE that’s just a coincidence (Heavy sarcasm applied)!

Ok, so according to Tropical Astrology, on the morning of 7/14/22, The Sun was at ~22.3 degrees of the sign Cancer…gotcha!

Meanwhile, this picture (above), is a screen shot from my phone that I took while using the app, “StarWalk2,” which accurately displays the current positions of The Sun, the planets and the other stars/constellations, without the 12 equal 30-degree Tropical Zodiac signs overlaid.

I took this picture about 1 minute after I took the pictures of my computer screen for the live sky Tropical “Astrology” chart…so this image is looking at the same time and the same sky as that Tropical chart displayed above.

This StarWalk2 picture shows The Sun CLEARLY positioned in front of the constellation of Gemini.  You can also see the word, “Cancer” below The Sun in the image.  That is because the constellation of Cancer was still several degrees away from where The Sun was, at that time, “sitting” in Gemini…which is the sign before Cancer in Tropical Western Astrology.

by Denise November 22, 2018, 1:53 pm The Gemini-Cancer Cusp: Key Personality Traits

Thus, it would not be accurate to suggest that someone born on 7/14/22 has their Sun in the constellation of Cancer…since it is CLEARLY in Gemini!  But…then…Western Tropical “Astrology” does not use constellations…

And so…the reason the dates changed as much as they did in this image below (which I displayed earlier)…is due to the fact that, when calculating the positions of all 13 constellations…to determine the correct “New Dates” for this chart…the sky in OUR time was used, not the positions of the constellations in the sky as they appeared ~2,000 years ago…which is what the “Old Dates” represent!

Solving the Mystery of the 13th Zodiac Sign

So, it turns out that the new dates are much more accurate for determining today’s natal charts…since The Sun, Moon and other Luminaries are actually in the correct constellation during those actual new dates…versus being off by ~24 degrees, as is the case with all Tropical “Astrology” natal charts!

Astrology - Imgflip

Interestingly, the original 12-sign Astrological system…known as Sidereal Astrology…accounts for and tracks Precession and adjusts the dates for the 12 signs accordingly as we move through time, so that the signs and constellations continue to be closely associated throughout the vast stretches of time and space that comprise The Great Year…as is represented in the image below.

Sidereal and Tropical Astrology - Star World News

Sidereal Astrology is still practiced today, mostly in India and The East…but it was not “born” there!  It originated in Babylon ~2,500-3,000 years ago!

ALL MESOPOTAMIA — Artist's rendition of the ancient city of Babylon

Knowledge of The Zodiac goes back MUCH further into the past than that, but ~2,500-3,000 years ago is when people first started translating the ancient oral traditions, rituals, and practices into the written systems we have today.

Before it was modified to create the Tropical system, Sidereal Astrology traveled around the Mediterranean region…from its origins in Babylon…and was eventually introduced to The East when Alexander The Great expanded his empire into India around 300 BC!

Victory Of Alexander the Great Over Poros, King Of India, By Franciszek Smuglewicz (c. 1745-1807 ...

Victory Of Alexander the Great Over Poros, King Of India, By Franciszek Smuglewicz (c. 1745-1807)

In The East, the original Sidereal Astrology was allowed to continue being practiced, without interruption or modification, tracking Precession to this very day.

True Sidereal Astrology ~ Sun Square Saturn March 17th-19th, 2017 | Sidereal astrology ...

However, not long after its birth in Babylon, Sidereal Astrology was copied…and then modified to remove the calculations that track Precession…to create the Tropical system around 2,000 years ago.

So, a few hundred years after it arrived in The East, back where it was birthed…around the Mediterranean Sea…the Greek and Roman proponents of the newly created Tropical system effectively eliminated the use of Sidereal Astrology everywhere else…except The East…between year 0 and ~300 AD.

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And that is the reason basically all westerners…for the past ~2,000 years…have been using The Tropical Zodiac…which, whether we realize it or not, is a calendar for tracking The Sun, Moon and other planets’ yearly progression through the 4 seasons.  It does not consider the stars…or their movements…as relevant.

Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

I realize that it may seem that I do not like Tropical Astrology, but nothing could be further from The Truth!  I Love Tropical Astrology and I always will!

Love Horoscope 2015

I have gained immeasurably from studying the Tropical system over the past 10 years and I will continue to learn more from it for the foreseeable future.

In my opinion, the issues presented above do not invalidate all of the great wisdom contained within Tropical Astrology.  In fact, these “issues” confirm my personal discernment that Astrology is, ultimately, meant to “be” whatever we decide to make of it.  If it resonates for me…then its right for me!

Ptolemy I Soter: Greek Founder of Egypt's Ptolemaic Dynasty - Brewminate

Divination is a personal conversation between each of us and Great Spirit…after all…so it is up to each of us to discover how we hear that GreatVoice” coming through us.

Diving Deeper Into The Occult - The Divination Arts

No one else can hear it for us and we cannot hear anyone else’s version!  There is no “right” way…and there is no “wrong” way…there is just YOUR way!

Hipparchus - Biography, Facts and Pictures

But, also, knowing that…thousands of years ago…other people also copied the original system and remixed it to better tune into their “conversation” with Spirit

Portrait of Ptolemy posters & prints by Girolamo Mocetto

…well, it allows me to feel that my “evolutionary” offerings are appropriate…for Astrology in our Age…or perhaps the Age to come…

Indeed, it is from a place of True Love that I offer my perspective…sprouting from years of study to learn how to attend to the spiraling patterns of the natural world, mixed with hours of meditation and reflection about those patterns and what they are offering to teach us about the business of living our lives, and seamlessly combining with countless life experiences that synchronously remind me…again and again…that I’ve barely just yet scratched the surface…that I still know basically NO-Thing…in comparison to what is knowable!

Ooooooohhhhh yeah, Baby!  I LOVE Tropical Astrology!

Daily Horoscope (Today & Tomorrow March 16): Predictions for Love, Health & Financial with 12 ...

However, I do not have a “monogamous” relationship with Tropical Astrology.

I LOVE all forms of Astrology!  Especially Mayan Astrology!!!

Complete Unity: The Fascination With the Circle | Owlcation

In large part, it was due to studying multiple forms of Astrology concurrently, that led me to a deeper awareness of the similarities and differences…and that within each system is essentially the same story…being told from a different point in history…with different cultural influences coloring the associated mythology.

But Joseph Campbell’s, 3-Phase “Hero’s Journey” reveals the central story within all of them…that being, the story of The Sun’s daily, yearly, and Great Yearly Hero’s Journey across the sky!

Hero's Journey Illustration - Em Capito, LCSW, MBA, E-RYT

Simultaneously, Divinely…wondrously…this journey is also woven into the fundamental tapestry of human metaphysical interpretation, it would seem.

As Above, So Below.  As Within, So Without
Hermes Trismegistus

Each of our ancient systems…in their own unique ways…offer to teach and guide us along the path of our personal Hero’s Journey, learning how to put our energy into our own version of “The Great Work”…

Ophiuchus Is Not A Sign: Here's The Difference Between Sidereal and Tropical Astrology (And What ...

…”to enlarge our souls, to liberate our spirits, and to light up our brains”…

Free I-ching reading

To shine like The Sun!!!

Winning Super Star GIF

Because that is how the evolution of consciousness progresses…

Human Consciousness is an Ongoing Spiritual Evolutionary Process - YouTube

…and precesses!

The Return of Ophiuchus!!!

The Serpent Handler’s role exists in the story of a dynamic Zodiac, one that evolves through the spiral of space and time.

Indeed, there is no place for Ophiuchus in the story of The Tropical Zodiac…which is static and unchanging.

However, from a different point of view…with the 13th constellation included…The Zodiac becomes a 4-dimensional spiral through space and time…as it evolves across The Astrological Ages…and Ophiuchus’ presence and inclusion literally infuses these other 2 dimensions into the story of The Zodiac!

Moving from a 2-dimensional still image of life, to a living and evolving Spiritual roadmap…what I like to NAME!, “Evolutionary” or “Ophiucan” Astrology physically expands out from the static and unchanging…leaping off “the page” and galloping through our every moment…indeed, our every action…literally every choice we face…in our real-life, dynamically-evolving, “Hero’s Journey” spiral through space and time!


And so…let us imagine an alternative version of this story…

…The Age-Old Zodiacal Hero’s Journey…

…perhaps this alternate version of the story has always existed…

…perhaps it has just been long forgotten by man’s conscious mind…

…perhaps we are merely tuning back into the frequency where this story has been patiently awaiting our return…

…floating deep in our collective human unconsciousness…

Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.
Victor Hugo (1802 – 1885)

Evolutionary “Ophiucan” Astrology!

Episode Astrology, Section B, Part 1 ~ Capricorn: The FIRST Constellation

Episode Astrology, Section B, Part 2 ~ The Aquarian Wave: Surf’s Up!

Episode Astrology, Section B, Part 3 ~ Mutable Water Pisces: Emotional Choices

Episode Astrology, Section B, Part 4 ~ Aries on MY Mind: The Ego Lives

Episode Astrology, Section B, Part 5 ~ Taurus: Stubborn As A Bull

Episode Astrology, Section B, Part 6 ~ Gemini: Thoughts Are Choices

Episode Astrology, Section B, Part 7 ~ Cancer: E-Motion…Energy In Motion

Episode Astrology, Section B, Part 8 ~ Leo: The Heart Of The Zodiac

Episode Astrology, Section B, Part 9 ~ Virgo: Separating The Wheat From The Chaff

Episode Astrology, Section B, Part 10 ~ Libra: Your Heart Weighed Against A Feather

Episode Astrology, Section B, Part 11 ~ Scorpio: Still Water Runs Deep

Episode Astrology, Section B, Part 12 ~ Sagittarius: Surrender And Mercy

Episode Astrology, Section B, Part 13 ~ The Return of Ophiuchus!!!

P.S. ~ Synchrony With Intention ~ Energetic Alignment

Synchronicity is an everpresent reality for those who have eyes to see it.
Carl Jung

Today is July 29th, 2022.  On the Mayan Tzolk’in calendar, today is 1 Deer.

As you may already know, the Tzolk’in is a 260-day, never-ending “energetic tracking system,” spiraling through time.  You can learn more about it here, if you wish!

In the Mayan system, 1974…my birth year…was “ruled” by the Year Lord “1 Deer.”  In a Mayan birth chart, The Year Lord is said to govern a person’s instinctual drive throughout their life.

That is a great way to describe how Ophiucan Astrology comes through me…it feels like instinct, to me, that there is this alternative way to perceive the Hero’s Journey taking place within The Zodiac story.

Indeed, many hours of contemplating this story have been guided by my instincts related to the various energies/archetypes represented by the 13 constellations.  Its not what I think or feel that unveils this story to me…it is what my instincts tell me.

So…being 1 Deer today…it feels quite synchronous that my instinct tells me to publish this first piece of the story today!

Cute Animal Drawings, Cute Drawings, Deer Art, Mythical Creatures Art, Fantasy Artwork, Fantasy ...


In Tropical Western Astrology, synchronously, today is my Resurrection Day!

I also published a piece on my Resurrection Day last year…this is what I wrote, then, about the concept:

Switching “systems” to discuss Western Astrology…our Resurrection Day, is the day in the Gregorian calendar to which our Ascendant Line points in our Astrological birth charts.  For me…it is 6 degrees Leo…which is today, July 29th!

I learned about this “Resurrection Day” concept from “The Book Of Houses,” a fascinating read that…using the analogy of a plant’s growth phases…discusses our yearly “Harvest Cycle”…assisting us to learn about and chart the significant days through which we each travel, as we spiral around The Sun every year of our lives.

The Resurrection Day, is the day each year when we have the opportunity to begin manifesting into the physical world, what it is that we wish to harvest 9 months later. 

In line with the theme of this particular piece, it occurs to me this year…where it did not occur to me last year…that were I to look up my Ascendant using Sidereal Astrology…the line most likely points somewhere in Cancer vs. six degree of Leo…thus my Resurrection Day would be earlier in July or possibly even in late June.

But…then…The Resurrection Day concept was created using Tropical Astrology…sooooo…maybe I’m overthinking that! 😉

11 Easy Ways To Stop Overthinking Too Much


With the exception of a few of the pieces published on this website, I do not choose a date to publish and then begin writing the piece.  The publication date is determined mostly by when the piece feels ready to publish.  More often than not, as that date approaches and I get a sense that it is closing in…I look ahead and find that a particular day is synchronously standing up to be noticed as the publication day!

For example, as I wrote this piece throughout most of July…I was mildly aware of my upcoming Resurrection Day today…but, as I wrote, I wasn’t “sold” on today as the publication day…especially since I published on this day last year…felt like I was kinda copying myself or something! 😛

It was not until a few days ago, that I also recognized today would be 1 Deer!  THEN I “got it!”  So, the combination of the two seemingly separate occasions, from two separate Astrological systems, occurring on the same day, instinctively spoke to me.

In discerning my purpose for presenting “Section B” of Episode Astrology…with this first of fourteen pieces on the topic of Ophiucan Astrology, I am certainly looking to “resurrect” the awareness of Ophiuchus’ role in the story of The Zodiac…and “1 Deer” could be described as the beginning of a Spiritual Tool’s story…  Sooooo…that’s a pretty fantastic set of synchronies, in my opinion!

Mind Blowing - NorthmanTrader

Stepping into a state of reverence and humility is what comes next for me, in seeing and discerning those synchronies spiraling through today.

As is always the case with Great Spirit…when I take one step towards SpiritSpirit takes 1,000 steps towards me!

I am SO grateful that Spirit’s presence can be discerned, understood, felt, and known in the ways I have found for myself.  Spirit’s Agape Love flows through me and I feel Loved beyond description, as a result!

Sat NAM! y muchas muchas gracias, Great SpiritSat NAM!, Pachamama y Papa CieloSat NAM!, AstrologySat NAM!, “MyBeautiful Human Family!  Spiral on…and spiral out!!!

AAMCN Blog: August 2015

Back To: Act IV, Episode Astrology ~ The Spiral Rituals of Spirituality!

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