You must understand that in the Age of Aquarius, each one shall be the leader of his own spirit. Each one will be the pivot of her life.
–Yogi Bhajan–
Science is, perhaps, our most effective and potent tool to use against It’s influence…
This is why, since even the inception of Science…it has been completely controlled by The Wetikó…a CONTROL that, VERY subtly, continues to guide society in the WRONG directions…literally, metaphorically, and spiritually…all in reflection of one another…
As Above, So Below…
But all along the way…the Great Fixed Cross above (The Four Fixed Signs at right angles around the Zodiac “circle”), contains…hiding in plain sight…the scientific information to decode a process of transformation…and a means to chart the progressions or in this case…precessions…of the evolution of our souls! Sat NAM!
Episode Aquarius ~ Light Surfing (Coming Soon)
Episode Aquarius ~ How NAME! “Chose” ME!, Part III ~ Letting Go Of “My” Mind!
Forward To: Episode Leo
Back To: Act III ~ Confronting The Wetikó