Episode Gaia, Part 1 ~ Grounding…Connecting To Gaia!

Soundtrack for this page: Trevor Hall, “To Zion”
My soul can find no staircase to Heaven unless it be through Earth’s loveliness.

I am born of Her Earth

Prema Gaia - Art by Shanti Herrington *Pre-Sale Only* Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery ...

…from Her womb given birth.

Rooted deep in Her ground

Her Love…

For the Love of Gaia Painting by Jassy Watson | Fine Art America

spirals round!

How lost I was once…

…but in Her I am found!

Beneficent Gaia

…magnificent Maya!

Thank You…I Love You…Sat NAM!

Gaia | Greek Myth Wikia | Fandom

FYI!!!  To experience grounding inside your home…and MOST profoundly for “ME“…to experience a NEW life after sleeping grounded…Earthing.com is the website to visit!

Next Piece: Act IV, Episode Gaia, Part 2 ~ Sensory Isolation Chambers…Floating!

Back To: Episode Gaia ~ Mother

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