Act IV, Loving The Wetikó ~ Episode Meow! RIGHT MEOW!!!

Soundtrack for this page: Satsang, “Right Now”

Act IV ~ Loving The Weti

Episode Meow!  RIGHT MEOW!!!

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It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.
Eckhart Tolle

One of the fundamental concepts I have learned in discovering both The Wetikó and then, more specifically, in discovering NAME!, is that the only “place” where I can…simultaneously…be consciously open-minded, humble, patient, and heart-centered is in the present moment…the eternal MEOW.

It is the only “time” when I have the opportunity to observe and discern the synchronicities and signs, like those found in studying The Zodiac and The Tzolk’in, that show me what God/Spirit/The Universe might have “in mind” for me to see and learn.

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For certain, when my attention is focused on analyzing the past or concerning myself with the future, I am not able to attend to the MEOW.  Thus, in those moments of distraction away from the present moment, I cannot be aware of what is being offered for me to observe…and critically discern…in the MEOW

What you pay attention to, is what you become conscious of.
Ian Xel Lungold

This may seem to be a simple and, relatively, unimportant distinction…but it is not!

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Because, if what we choose to pay attention to in the present moment…and therefore become conscious of/”believe in”…turns out to be “bad” for us and for those around us…and we are unaware of the damage, because we are simultaneously being encouraged/conditioned/socialized to ignore that type of realization and stay “asleep”/ignorant of the results…

Well…as the Mayans and other indigenous cultures discovered…when THAT happens…atrocious events tend to unfold in our reality…and have unfolded, MANY times, in the ACTUAL history of our reality.

The Wetikó virus spreads in horrific ways…which is all the more reason to be aware of its existence…and its influence!

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Understandably…patience is required here…because consistent and focused attention to the present moment requires practice to master…and, therefore, may be hard to conceptualize as a primary focus in THIS moment.

However, I choose to believe that each of us can easily relate to the common, yet mostly indescribable, feeling of being totally immersed “in the zone” or “in the flow,” of a given experience, in such a way that feels transcendent to what most would agree is a “normal” moment.

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It is often described as a sensation of briefly forgetting about yourself as an individual and recognizing that you also have an expanded identity…an awareness of being aware at a FAR broader level…as a small piece of something bigger…

To see it…to FEEL it…we must quiet our minds and…”look with soft eyes“…

…”You’ve got to seek that place with your soul.“…

Athletes rely on this “place,” in order to become proficient at their sport. Iconic professional athletes, like Michael Jordan or LeBron James of the NBA, basically operate ONLY in this state…in the flow of the MEOW…at least during their performances!

Spiritual teachers, across nearly every historic “faith-based” human agreement (a.k.a. “religions”), have spoken extensively about the need to keep our focus in the present moment…to avoid becoming “lost in thought,” for more than a few moments, without coming back to the present as THE baseline.

The present moment, if you think about it, is the only time there is. No matter what time it is, it is always now.
Marianne Williamson

And, thus, one of The Wetikó’s primary efforts, is to keep us from staying aligned with the present moment…at all costs…as that is the ONLY “place” where It’s influence has the potential to become ineffective.

If the enemy cannot turn us from prayer by means of vain thoughts and sinful ideas, then he brings back into our minds good things we have been taught, and fills us with beautiful ideas, so that one way or another he may lure us away from prayer, which is a thing he cannot bear. It is called “a theft from the right-hand side.”
The Way Of A Pilgrim

After all, darkness flees from the light…

Soooooo…fear NOT!

There are Divinely-inspired “tools”…besides a cat, a candle or a flashlight…to assist our efforts towards aligning with the beautiful, bright, and blessed eternal MEOW!

CAT METAL : Daemonicat - Eternal Meow : Illustration


Time spent with cats is never wasted.
Sigmund Freud

Act IV ~ Loving The Wetikó

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