Act III ~ Confronting The Wetikó
Episode Scorpio
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.
–Leonardo da Vinci–
I would like to connect the…Astrological…dots related to how the Signs of Taurus and Scorpio (Along with Aquarius and Leo, later on in the story…) are undeniable metaphors, at least to me, regarding this invigorating transformation of my life’s purpose…
Episode Scorpio ~ Take Flight Or Continue To Fight
…before continuing my personal story, regarding how meeting Dr. Peter Diamandis, on April 4, 2013, led…through a week of challenging trials…to the unveiling of NAME!, on April 11, 2013…
Episode Scorpio ~ How NAME! “Chose” ME, Part II ~ Back…To Reality!
Forward To: Episode Aquarius
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